"When I write a math test, and score a good grade I feel accomplished. When I work in theater and put on a show, and see the enticing environment and story I have helped engaged our audience in, Its breathtaking."

Monday 6 February 2012


Through discussions with the directors, we have decided not to have water on the stage for the production METAMORPHOSES, at least not a pool or fountain. Instead we will attempt to set up an occupy camp. This exciting new vision evolved from an attempt to further modernize the story, and with the occupy movement so big right now it seemed appropriate, especially seeing as both the story of METAMORPHOSES and the occupy movement target greed, I think that it will be extremely effective. After working with derek we came up with a general concept for the stage. It would consist of three "flats" that would crate entrances and exits. There would be a tent on stage left where the shadow scene with Myrahh and her father would take place. On stage right, there would be a mattress and milk crate. (Below is the original concept)

The plan is to build the flats with plywood and hinges, and hopefully the materials for the tent, mattress and crate can be found around campus. The decision was also made that the large blue curtains on either side of the stage should be covered with sheets of white fabric. This will require the scaffolding to clothes-pin the sheets. Clothes lines will be needed to hang costumes on, they will be located on stage or on stage/ off stage. 

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