"When I write a math test, and score a good grade I feel accomplished. When I work in theater and put on a show, and see the enticing environment and story I have helped engaged our audience in, Its breathtaking."

Wednesday 8 February 2012

and just like that it was over

Well, it was worth it. Now it is time to reflect. 

Two days ago, our theater group completed yet another incredible feat. We came together as a single driving force creating a story that not only created an incredible atmosphere on stage but was able to brighten the entirety of our campus with an energy so amazing that all the thoughts of exams, university applications, homework and internal assessments seemed to dissolve away. 

Although I have been in plays before, I consider this one my first true production. Something about the creative work, team spirit, and delicate framework I found in Metamorphosis, was something completely new. I remember the last week of classes before the winter holidays, and my class and I being given our respective duties. I clearly remember thinking that it was going to be a messy, not synchronized, impeded undertaking. I had no experience whatsoever in set design, and I knew that most of us first years were in the same boat, be it lights, sound, or costumes. Maybe it was great delegation and leadership. Maybe it was fear and panic. In fact it was most likely a combination of many things but the one thing that is certain is that at the end of it all each one of us had something beautiful in front of us, a show that we could all be proud of. There were definitely things that didn't go according to plan, and looking back there are things that we could have done differently, but the illuminating journey that we took together was the biggest and most rewarding part of the whole show. We had done a good job, for our first time at least. And with our work came the necessary complications giving us the experience we need to continue our theatrical adventures. 

Building the set and helping to create an appropriate atmosphere for our story was a magical experience. The directors had a pretty clear vision for the set and I can proudly say that we were able to follow the vision out until the very end. It was nice to have a picture in my mind that I could work towards, but also to know that there was room for me to be creative and resourceful in my own ways. I was able to meet the directors needs but also have the chance to display some of my own ideas. The importance of getting to work immediately after the design is ready is critical.

I began working on the set construction about three and a half week before the production day and although I thought that it would provide me with ample time, and in the end was able to finish in time, I regret not starting earlier. In building a set you can never be sure that the original design will not need any changes along the way. Our set was altered from time to time which meant work that I had not anticipated. This led to late nights and sleep deprivation, which as any Pearson student knows, is extremely dangerous. I am simply preaching to the choir as I say this but make sure, if nothing else, to avoid procrastination and plan for your work to take longer than expected.

The set was almost entirely built with recycled materials, the only exception being the spray paints used for graffiti on the flats. Everything else was built from items taken from the costume room (clothing, tent frame, sheets), students rooms (ropes), or the school's junk pile/recycling (screen doors, cardboard, garbage can). The fact is that the college is full of building materials all around, and when undertaking a project such as this it is extremely valuable to use the resources around campus. Not only will this save you money, but also valuable time. I was thankful for the generosity from students and our maintenance staff members, Josh and Wayne. 

After the set was finished it was time for me to sit back, relax and enjoy the show. I, personally, love METAMORPHOSES. The idea of setting the play in an occupy camp was brilliant as it ties into the message of love and greed so perfectly. I was lucky however to have watched the scenes many times, and just through working with the class I was able to develop a firm understanding of the piece. It wasn't until after the show, taking to audience members, that I began to think of what maybe we could have done differently. Keeping in mind that we were a young theater class with a very little amount of time I think that one thing that may have been a possible alteration is to bring to story of occupy back to finish off the show. Many of the people I talked to were still unclear of how the occupy story was related to the story of METAMORPHOSES. Maybe if we had have been able to connect the story at the end it would have made the Meta character idea more clear to the audience.

Having fun while you work is something that is maybe not experienced enough in schooling, but alot of the enjoyment weaved into the IB is up to you to discover. This, for me, was a perfect example of an assignment given to me that I thoroughly enjoyed. Working on the set gave me the chance to work independently on a project that would help bring a piece of art together which would be there for the entire college to see. Just the idea of this, for me, is exciting. Knowing that my work would be there on stage for my peers to hopefully enjoy and criticize I think really inspired me to produce my best work and maybe that is one of the main underlying reasons why I enjoy theater so much. When I write a math test, and score a good grade I feel accomplished. When I work in theater and put on a show, and see the enticing environment and story I have helped engaged our audience in, Its breathtaking.

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